
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Didn't You Want to Be Indiana Jones Too?

Savant got a summer job. Working for an archaeologist. Some of the friends he met at school are working there, and got him to call for a job there. And by wonderful chance the office is only a mile or two from our house. So he gets to spend the summer with his friends! They meet at the office in the morning and are driven to the dig site.

I'm reminded of the children's story where you tell part of it and ask the kids, "Isn't that bad?" and of course it is, but then you hear the next part of the story, and it turns out that if this bad thing hadn't happened, the good thing that came next would have never happened, and the story goes back and forth that way many times. No summer classes turned out to be a good thing!

I want to get on the crew when they go back to school! I had Indiana Jones (Mary Leakey) dreams too.

P.S. See "Not Quite Mr. Buckley" for the truth about this "archiological dig".


  1. I never, ever wanted to be Indiana Jones. My fantasy was always to get the girl without having the crap knocked out of me, trying (and in my case probably failing) to outrun house-sized bowling balls, playing with snakes, etc.

    But it does sound like a cool summer gig. Except for the giant bowling balls...

  2. "Why did it have to be snakes?"... oh yeah... I wanted to be Indiana Jones and still do!
