
Friday, June 02, 2006

Look, Ma, I Have All My Fingers!

I like to look at the picture of my sister and me, that I have on my blog profile. So, I know that the most frequent visitor to my blog is me. One day after I put it up I realized that the fingers on my left hand were still intact back then. Hello, Finger Tips. Miss you. Then I thought about the quizzical little bit of a frown on my face. It has changed into a deep furrow as I've aged, so I must do that a lot. My sister is still very cute; in a slightly Sally Field sort of way. I thought I was the only one who had felt that comparison was a good one, but one of my kids said the same thing after they got the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire".

I haven't felt much like blogging this week. I'm sick and before that, I was doing too much yard work in the hot sun. This time it was me in the E.R. Usually I'm in the waiting room and Savant is the one in the bed. So until I feel better, I'll just sleep and read. I'm almost through with "Kim" by Rudyard Kipling. I finished "Night" by Elie Wiesel and the first five books in the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card and I really liked them. Proust (Swann's Way) got shoved in a drawer, unfinished. It's too bad babies can't read or it would be prescribed to put them to sleep. A few days ago Savant said "I wonder how Proust would describe a White Castle hamburger?" I said, I don't know, but it would probably take him about fourteen pages.


  1. Sweetie, make sure you see YOUR regular doctor too!

  2. You are going to be a great nurse!
