
Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Origin of the Name "Fancy Dirt"

I have thought, for years, that we are all Fancy Dirt.

Picture the moment before the big bang, compressed matter, then exploding forth into this realm of existence.
All matter here, they tell us in school, cannot be created or destroyed. In that case, we were all together, with everything else at that moment of universal creation.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We and every other thing came from that cosmic (holy) dust. My observation of the workings of this universe show me that change is the constant. The dust rearranges itself all the time.

We are but temporary phenomena, as much as I wish we were not, that is how it is. We don't make the rules. They were in place before you came here and will not change when you leave. Life goes on within you and without you, not because of you.

The vessel for your unique consciousness returns to dirt to reform again and again. The dust that makes you has been present for all those billions of years.
All the things that seem ordinary, stars, machines, cities, oceans, creatures, clouds and sky, all were there with all of us at the moment of creation, so long ago.
I think it is an exercise in futility to say one knows how it works, but I do see the beauty of it.
I am a woman and I like that, in our bodies, we get to have the door into life and consciousness. Fancy dirt.
When I see the dead body of a loved one, I am so struck by the flight of it's consciousness from this realm, and the impending transformation to the state of dust, star dust.
I was also blown away when I realized the fact that the many existing things things like water, rocks, sky, trees and flowers, are blind. In a forest I always thought the trees knew the beautiful sight they made. But they are deaf and blind to their own beauty and that of their surroundings.

All the beauty and activity of the universe exists whether there is a creature to observe it.
God, to me is the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of existence. The idea of being destroyed; of my being a temporary phenomenon, frightened me mightily when I was a child. It is knowledge that is hard to accept. If you come here you may stay only for a short time; everyone must leave. That's the deal. No getting out of it.

I imagine sometimes that perhaps we are to do the hard work; this is the place of broken hearts, broken bodies and minds , and evil, and love, and compassion, and beauty. I would hope that when we leave here we go to the next step; a place with no suffering or pain, with people who do no evil and love is not restricted to small pockets of goodness. I love the idea that we would not have to look past parts of a persons deeds and vices to see the Holiness there. The Holiness would be radiating from everything without the veil of ordinariness that cloaks our universe.
That there is even a thing such as existence and consciousness is amazing.

But that's just me.

Feel free to see it your way.

Love, Fancy Dirt

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