
Monday, September 19, 2005

The Chinese and Hebrew Of It All

I didn't know that numbers, in Chinese, meant things, like auspicious or inauspicious fortune cookie messages. I wonder how many other cultures have that?
It made me think of this poem that Savant wrote when he was 17 or 18. Somewhere in that time when we were first made aware of his schizophrenia (a.k.a. persistent psychotic state).
I didn't understand the poem. He explained to me that in Hebrew, numbers made words, or letters, or had meanings the way words do. I just assumed he knew it was true.


your synapses are like
snails making
no connections
or irrelevant
ones twos and threes
all about the fours it must
fives now, all about the
numerology, the
Hebrew of it all.

It is hard to believe he will be 21 soon. This past month or two have been a break in the severe "care-giver" stress I've been living with, these past three years.
Being diligent about taking his medicine has brought him closer to reality, even though I know he still struggles inside. And an employee of the center where he is now getting treatment, realized that she lives near us, so she has been picking him upon her way to work, on some of the days he has his appointments. The center is almost an hour away. (We don't have "that sort" of people in Franklin.)

A. Beauty switched families, so she won't be in Perugia. She will be closer to the Eastern coast of Italy, but I don't remember the name of the city just now. *(She will have her week days free until later in the day. She is enrolling in a college there; I'm not sure, but I think her focus will be on foreign languages. )* This may have changed now, with the new location.

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