
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Dirt World View.... re: Being a Jackass

Yesterday, when I was watching the evening news about the outrageous activities of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-California), I told my husband there should be a new charge called: Being a Jackass.

My thought being, that if you could catch them young enough, they would have a chance to turn their lives around.
Those that didn't stop being Jackasses might get rap sheets and they would be known as Habitual or Serial Jackasses.

I haven't, and won't, work out the fine print of this misdemeanor, and I'm usually in favor of fewer laws, not more, but, having this violation on your record, if the offense was committed after a "youthfull indiscretions" grace period, would prevent you from holding a public office or being in any branch of law enforcement, ...


  1. Don't forget, just because he's caught doesn't mean he's unique. There's probably over 500 Reps and Senators who are guilty of the exact same thing, and either cover their tracks better or haven't pissed off the wrong people...yet.

  2. I couldn't agree more; and that's if you stop with just the Reps and Senators. Don't even get me started with preachers who want you to send them money!
