This evening when I had my cell phone in my hand, running down my contacts list to "suicide" for a hot line, I had this thought, "You're not going to waste their valuable time talking to them again are you?" I always think there might be some really suicidal person who won't be able to get through because I was on the line. Then a new line of thinking popped into my head, "You have ice cream don't you? Yes. Make a milkshake first! You could get on the computer and look at that suicide website while you drink it." What is it about a vanilla milk shake that makes me feel like I'm three years old, curled up with my blankie and my thumb in my mouth, safe from the chaos and meanness around me?
Well, when I discovered that there was no where on the suicide prevention web site to spread the word about another way to possibly prevent a suicide, I decided to pull up my all but abandoned blog here and testify that, two milkshakes later, I think I dodged this bullet. Suicide humor, hah!