
Monday, September 05, 2005

Hurricane This and FamilyThat

I read that National Geographic piece and it was so accurate, that I did a double-take when I read the part where the writer says, that this has not happened yet, sent my eyes flying to the date, 2004, even though I knew it was an old article, it could have been written last week.
Amazing! So many people want to help and can't. It is so sad that there were the tragic delays.

When our propane company asked us, a few weeks ago, if we wanted to lock in to the going rate, we thought it was high, but agreed. It now seems like a very good move, given the rates and scarcity. This may fall into the Blond Logic catagory (No, that is not an oxymoron!), but doesn't it seem that if the people on the Gulf Coast have no access to gasoline, that there would more for the rest of the country and prices would be dropping instead of getting higher? I know they are saying it has something to do with the refineries, but I have trust issues.

Savant was frightened last night, he was feeling a demonic presence invading his space. It is the evil in people that frightens him too, and the randomness of some acts of violence. I tried to
tell him that most people are good, but I don't know if our conversation helped him relax.
Frightening images on TV are potent and he usually avoids watching TV, I think because the focus of so many shows, promos for shows, and the news, is on the bad.
The random of acts of bad weather, no longer seem random to him. He feels God is angry at him when he hears thunder or the blasting we can feel rattle the house from a quarry nearby.

In a few days he will undergo some IQ and cognitive testing to see if he can qualify for Social Security Disability. I fear that his evaluator won't recognize the agony he goes through on a daily basis, because he is intelligent and medicated, and is not obviously acting schizophrenic. The medicine they have him on seems too weak to me. They have added something for panic, but that also seems too weak.

A. Beauty moved out of her apartment and left for a vacation in Oregon and Washington, last week. She is still waiting on Visa red tape and school acceptance verification in Italy, before she joins a family there.

I almost never hear from A. Prince, but he said he got a job in Nashville at Dillard's, I think. He lives in Murfreesboro, but he has to be in Nashville many times a week, for his methadone treatment, so that is why he took a job there.

G.B. is having his first few days off for this whole year. He has been getting up at the crack of dawn to golf. It is good to see him relax. The man does not know how to be idle. His job is a 7 days a week job at Habitat for Humanity. He is supposed to get at least one day off during the week, but it rarely ever happens.

Our state medical coverage for the uninsurable ended. Before it ended, they said I had a lump in my breast that was probably not cancer, but to come back in four weeks to have it rechecked. Those funny government insurance guys! They knew I'd be off the rolls by then. So I'm ignoring it. I would hope that even with Tennessee's slimy dying health machine, they would have sprung into action if it looked serious.

I'm feeling calmer now that Savant is more stable. I don't believe in horoscopes, but I'm a water sign and I really do take the shape of my container.

1 comment:

  1. PS: GB really had a girlfriend not a passion for golf. He also spent 5 days a week at work and 2 days with her or doing stuff alone, I rarely saw him. He would never tell me which 2 days were his days off; he was on the build site on Saturday and Sunday. I was so stressed and sad and involved with Savant's care that I let my suspicions about GB's bullshit non-explanations about his week, simmer in the background.
