
Monday, October 31, 2005

What Do Crayons, Tabasco, Poop and an Ear Have in Common?

What do crayons, Tabasco, poop and an ear have in common?

I took this first bit from the comments section of Midwest Rock Lobster(Chixulub). Lemme know if I should give it back.


Fancy Dirt said...
For some reason your entries jog long buried memories to the surface. One is the multicolored-crayon-poop-log I found in my yard a few decades ago, when we had a dog who ate some of my son's crayons. The rain had washed away everything but the fused bits of crayon. I knew I should have saved it, but who could have forseen the creation of eBay?

Chixulub said...
Well, don't overestimate the eBay potential. Before "_ _" toilet trained, I changed many diapers containing turds that appeared to be entirely composed of 64 colors of wax.

The eBay market is not, in my experience, good for Crayola Turds. I did wonder if I mightn't get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to display some of the better catches...

30 October, 2005

unaccountable said...
"I did wonder if I mightn't get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to display some of the better catches..."

And or turn your home into a museum (charge admission, of course) and display the Miraculous Crayon-PooPoo that looks uncannily like [insert your favourite fictional "deity" here]!!

31 October, 2005


My sister had a dog that would "sample" dog poop on their daily walks. She got the idea to take a bottle of Tabasco Sauce with her and pretreat the piles before her dog could get to them. Didn't slow him down a bit. I could picture him thinking, "Mmmmmm Mexican!"

OK, now the ear part. We were keeping the above dog at our house while my sister and her husband were visiting his family for Christmas. My first son, who was little at the time, tried petting the dog while he was eating, and the dog attacked him, badly ripping his ear before we could stop him. My mother was outraged and had the dog "put down" before my sister and her husband got back into town. I don't think they were too happy with my mother's decision, though they felt awful about the attack.
Our home is now a dog-free zone.

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